As you can see from the picture to the right - this is what it looks like.
This is one of those things, I can't tell if its fun or not. I enjoy electronics, and soldering, so its not a chore in that aspect, however, I'm so anxious to get to work on the scenery, I really want this to be done :) I only have about 1/8th of the mainline completed, so I have a lot to do still.
Also since my last post, a neighbors father-in-law was contacted to see if he wanted some 'old train stuff'. He collects O scale and went over to see what stuff there was. It was all HO. He told me I was the only one he knows who does HO, so he gave me the box. I told him, lets keep it that way (that I'm the only one he knows). It was a box of assorted Tyco cars, and older plasticville structures. While these structures are pretty toy-like, I think I'm going to have some fun either kit-bashing them, or using them for parts for other things on the layout. The cars are in various order of working condition, but what a great opportunity to learn weathering! So check back to see how well I do :) I figured with some weathering and new trucks, couplers and some weight added, they'll work for me. Especially since they were free. You can't beat that.
I've saved the best for last. My parents came down from New York to visit this weekend, which means I took delivery of 6 new structures he scratch built! My dad brought down the Canandaigua Hotel, A farm including Farm house, Barn and Silo (tractor and old truck), a hobo shack with hobos, and the Ontario County Court House- with Ms. Justice on top - just like the real deal in Canandaigua.
I've created separate pages with the structures on them. I'll add more history about the buildings as time goes on, as well as pictures during the 'planting' of each building.
We had a nice time working on the layout. Dad completely built the structure for the hill, Styrofoam and sculpt-a-mold. I think he enjoyed getting messy. Tonight I added some ground foam - the first real scenery I've done. In the picture, the Court House isn't planted yet, its just sitting on the hill. The cutout is for a set of stairs and landings dad will build to match the others on the building. He took measurements, we're hoping with little effort, they can just insert into that opening.
Its great to finally get some green on the layout, although its making me want to forget wiring for a while and work on Canandaigua. Since that track through Canandaigua is already wired, I could focus on that town for a bit. Its a nice distraction from soldering.
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