Friday, February 24, 2012


Today (er .. last night) marks a milestone in the layout.  I've completed all of the benchwork AND laying all of the cork roadbed.  What this means is that I can pretty much put away the all of the saw(s) I have out.  Yes John I can return your chop saw now :).

I'm pretty excited, with the cork done, all I have left is to lay the track for the upper level.  Yea, I know, its not really an upper level, its only 4 1/2" higher than the lower track, but upper deck isn't proper either since its not really a deck, and its not technically a shelf, elevation it too long to type... so I'm calling it a level. Anyway, its done, complete, fine'

I'm pretty psyched.  I cleaned up that area so I could lay the cork, and it looks really nice cleaned up.  So I can clear off the rest of the layout, vacuum it off, organize the crap.  At this point that might be more work than went into the layout.  I have tools and pieces of track, cork, and foam everywhere.

So back to the actual layout.  The only part of the layout I'm slightly worried about is the left wall coming off the curve in the back corner.  As the track straightens out, its pretty close to the wall.  Right now, that's not a problem, but when I get to putting the masonite back there for a backdrop, it may be super tight, so I might have to get creative, maybe have it run into a 87' (scale) wooden landslide tunnel or something - keeping me from having to put backdrop in that location.  We'll see what I come up with.  I'm not too concerned and like the rest of the construction, I'll roll with it.

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